Jessica Wendorf Muhamad
Associate Professor, Director PEAKS Research Laboratory
Jessica Wendorf Muhamad, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Associate Director of the Center for Hispanic Communication in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Wendorf Muhamad is also the Director of PEAKS laboratory (Participatory, Experientially-based Applied Knowledge for Social Change), which is focused on developing – through action research – evidence-based interventions for complex social issues.
Dr. Wendorf Muhamad’s research focuses on understanding how and why enacted, entertainment-educational experiences (e.g., game-based interventions) influence individuals. Her primary line of research focuses on (1) the development of culturally relevant, experientially-based health interventions constructed through a participatory and engaged approach; (2) examines how prosocial, persuasive narrative embedded within experiential learning opportunities influences individuals’ attitudes and behaviors regarding health and social issues; and (3) extends beyond active entertainment-education mechanisms to a holistic understanding of intervention adoptability through an examination of implementation climate pre- and post- development. Her research has been published in Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Computers in Human Behavior, and Journal of Industrial Medicine, among others, as well as book chapters on serious games and communication engagement.
- Ph.D. 2016; University of Miami, Communication
- M.A. 2013; University of Miami, International Administration with minor in Social Policy
- B.A. 2011; Florida International University, Psychology
Research Interests
Hypervulnerable populations and health disparities; Participatory methodology and mixed methods approach; Applied Communication; Systems and systems thinking/approach; Communication for Development (C4D); Entertainment-education, experiential learning opportunities, and interactive interventions; Health communication; Organizational Communication; Occupational health and safety; High reliability organizations (HROs)
Teaching Interests
Dr. Wendorf Muhamad’s teaching interest include applied communication, non-traditional methodologies, community-based participatory research, health/organizational communication, and communication for development.
Grants & Awards
Dr. Wendorf Muhamad has led the development and evaluation of Por Nuestras Calles (Principal Researcher/Investigator and Game Producer), a tabletop game-based intervention aimed at increasing documentation of instances and processes of commercial sexual exploitation of children, funded from the Consortium of Latin American Studies, the Colombian National Police, and the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism. Other funded research includes TTEACH (Co-Investigator; Florida Department of Health), which aims to advance the understanding of the temporary construction workforce’s health and safety experience, Padres Activos (Principal Investigator; NIMHD, National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities) an obesity prevention intervention for Hispanic fathers, Firefighters Campaign for Cancer Prevention and Screening (Co-Investigator; State of Florida), Ministers’ Health Project (Co-Investigator; Minority Men Health Initiative a transdisciplinary research center funded by NIMHD), Jugando a lo Seguro (Co-Investigator; Tinker Foundation), among others.